MEXC Reference Code Announcement
📣📣 Dear Investors; Here we are with excellent news about MEXC.
✍️ We will share the ‘Reference Code’ with you so that you can register on the Mexc Stock Exchange. It is very important both for us and for our investors, that users who do not have a membership in the Mexc Stock Exchange log in with this code.
❓ What will this ‘reference code’ provide for us? Let’s talk about this a little bit.
▪️ The memberships you will make with the code we sent will accumulate in the area opened for ‘Portuma’ and we will be able to see how many people are members by us.
◾️ Through this system, the commission rates that will be deducted from the transactions you have made will be transferred to our project.
◼️Airdrop/burn/token purchases and events will be organized regularly with these amounts transferred to our project.
⬛️To summarize the subject; The commission income that will arise from the memberships you will make with your reference code will be meeting with you, our valuable investors.
👉 The sensitivity you will show on this issue is important both for our project and for you.
👉 By clicking the link below, you can start your ‘reference code’ membership entries. 👈
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🐯 We wish you pleasant investments and pleasant transactions in advance 🐯