New Staking Pools

May 16, 2022


* You can stake a maximum of 5,000,000 POR.

* Early withdraw is not available.

* Compound (Re-stake earnings) will not extend your time.

* The first 3 months are not available for withdraw. If you want to withdraw before 3 months ❗ If you want to withdraw between 3–6 months, 60% will be deducted from your earnings. ❗ If you want to withdraw between 6–9 months, 40% will be deducted from your earnings. ❗ If you want to withdraw between 9–12 months, 20% will be deducted from your earnings.

* Note: When you withdraw the annual pool, there will never be a deduction from your principal, only from your earnings.

  • Note2: 2% fee will be deducted from your earnings (harvest transaction) for each withdrawal. 1% of this amount goes back to the stake pool. The remaining 1% goes to the burn wallet.





Written by Portoken(POR)

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