We Announced Details of POR Test Environment!
We are sharing the details of the test environment which we will open for only 300 people on 15 January. Those who want to participate in this test environment must have a minimum of 500 thousand and a maximum of 10 million POR in their wallets. For this reason, the first 300 people who have POR between 500 thousand and 10 million in their wallets and who want to participate will have the right to experience the test environment.
First of all, you will need to lock the POR amount when entering the test environment. Your earnings will also vary according to the amount of POR you have locked.
A person who locked 500 thousand POR will receive 0.5 times the number of POR he has won, while a participant who locked 750 thousand POR will have the chance to earn 0.75 times the number of POR he won by playing games in the test environment and transfer it to his wallet. For our investor who locked 1 million POR, the gains will be multiplied by 1, for our investor who locked 2 million POR times 2 will continue.
Our investors’ earnings rates will vary according to the number of PORs they lock. Your win rates will not be multiplied by the number of PORs you have locked, but by the amount of POR you have earned by playing games in the test environment.
We will inform you again when the test environment is ready.