We Opened the Portoken Stake Pools!

3 min readMay 11, 2022


As PORTUMA company, we have opened our PORTOKEN Stake pool. We are proud that our stake pools are filled in record times. We would like to thank all our investors for the trust and intense interest you have shown.

How can we do staking?

We can stake our PORs with our wallet, which we will connect to app.portoken.com. Here our first transaction can be staked after two confirmations.

1) Confirmation to use your tokens

2) 2) Staking transaction confirmation

Stakes are generally locked and flexible, as well as an interest system that rewards its investor in general terms.

Our stake transaction is established as Automatic APR (Annual Percentage Rate). While the pool occupancy rate of this system is high, the earnings rate decreases, but as the pool rate decreases, it increases progressively to further reward those who continue to stake inside.

Stake pools are limited. (For example, when 50,000,000 pools are opened, more POR cannot be staked)

Stake wallets’ maximum stake rates are limited. (For example, each wallet can stake according to limits.) This rule was established to reach our maximum investors.

Receiving what we earned in staking — HARVEST

For each HARVEST transaction, 2% FEE is deducted from the POR earned.

Deducted 2% FEE — 1% goes to burn wallet — 1% stake goes to reward wallet.

The key commitment period of the wallet performing the Harvest transaction is reset (starting from zero)


Compound- Shortly, it can be explained as compound interest. (Adding the earned PORs to the staked amount.

Compounding can be done within the lock period, but you cannot exceed the maximum level of your stake, Compounding will not reset your lock period. It continues the staking process by adding only the PORTOKENs you have earned to the amount you stake.

For each COMPOUND operation, 2% FEE is deducted from the POR gained.

Deducted 2% FEE –> 1% goes to burn wallet — 1% stake goes to reward wallet.


Withdraw process, in short, means collecting and withdrawing your investments and rewards. After the lock period expires, you can do withdraw 100% or at the rate you want. (For example, 20% — 50% — 80%)

WITHDRAW cannot be performed until the locked stake lock period is reset. After the lock period expires, you can do withdraw 100% or at the rate you want. (For example, 20% — 50% — 80%)

After the Withdraw transaction is made, the lock period will start again and the withdraw cannot be made until the lock period expires.

Question 1) I have approved the stake transaction, do I need to do anything else?

Answer: You can withdraw your winnings if you wish until your stake lock period expires, otherwise just sit back and watch your earnings until your lock period expires.

Question 2) My stake lock period has expired, but I want to continue staking, do I need to do a different transaction for this?

Answer: If you wish, you can withdraw or Compound your winnings. Apart from this, your staking continues until the expiration date determined in the staking contract.

Question 3) What is the expiration date?

Answer: The duration of each opened pool may vary, while the pools are opening and closing, announcements will be made through our Telegram channels.

Question 4) After my lock time expired, I have withdrawn 50% of my staked amount, what should I do to withdraw more?

Answer: Since your lock period will be activated, you need to wait for your lock period to expire.

Question 5) I want to increase my stake, what can I do?

Answer: If there is room in the stake pool and you have not reached the maximum stake limit, you can increase your stake. Each stake increase will restart your lock time.




Written by Portoken(POR)

Play/Watch and Earn Metaverse and Ingame Advertising Token First Ingame ICO Token Startup! Telegram https://t.me/portumacommunity

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